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Mill is now Sumpters main street, also known as Highway 410. Mill almost certainly got its name from the fact that Young and Rimbols water powered sawmill of the 1880s was located along the two blocks of Mill St from Granite St to Auburn Street. As on Granite St, businesses came and went. As on Granite St, most of them burned in 1917. In Brewing up Trouble, I introduced one of this section of towns most iconic buildings: the Basche Building. The Basche Building was built in 1899 and housed C. C. Basches Hardware Store. C. C. Basche lived on Cracker Street, north of High Street, on what used to be the road to Bourne, another mining boomtown about six miles upstream of Sumpter and now in far worse condition than Sumpter.

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In fact, Piaget observed and studied his own three children through each stage of their cognitive development. 3. Give three strategies on how you can help your students encode, store and retrieve information. Answer: The three strategies in order to help student to encode, store and retrieve information are:a. Use mnemonic as an aid like mental pictures where the students will be able to remember visual pictures or images than words. Make images as vivid as possible. Also use mnemonic to make things meaningful. This will give terms meaning if they have little or no immediate meaning to you. Use mnemonic as to make information familiar. The students will be able to connect new information to what you already know. Give concrete examples.

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Editors: Dr. V. Sangeetha, Dr. B. J. Geetha,Dr. K. Sindhu, Dr. S. Boopathi andMs. S.

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" However, you company specializes in bodywork only. The keyword "automobile body shops" would rank lower on the popularity scale than "automobile companies," but it would nevertheless serve you much better. Instead of getting a slew of people interested in everything from buying a car to changing their oil filters, you will get only those consumers with trashed front ends or crumpled fenders being directed to your site. In other words,consumers ready to buy your services are the ones who will immediately find you. Not only that, but the greater the specificity of your keyword is, the less competition you will face. The third factor is consumer motivation.

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CookingOne of my favorite hobbies is cooking. On average, I cook about 5 days per week, often making extra that I can freeze for convenience. Cooking has taught me so much about patience and focus because those 2 are essential ingredients to make delicious food. The more I cook, the better I get at it. Of course, I have also cooked food that did not turn out so well, but I learned from my mistakes and improved each time. I cook food that is healthy that I enjoy eating. Best of all, it is generally cheaper and better tasting than eating out at most restaurants. 3. Watching documentariesIn general, I am not a big TV fan. However, I make an exception for good documentaries. Thanks to Netflix, Hulu, on demand TV, and wonderful channels like Smithsonian and National Geographic, I have a wide array of exciting documentaries on my watch list that inspire, educate, and excite me.

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